
Monday 11 October 2010

Welcome ...


Welcome to our blog

We’re in the business of selling luxury lodges.

Actually, we individually create - then sell - luxury lodges.

To be exact, we sell luxury lodges that we’ve created and sited in our glorious private woodland, set near Kippford (one of Scotland’s most beautiful seaside villages).

If looking to be even more precise, we also need to say that our lodges can be tailored to suit individual needs. That our private woodland has an 8000 year old bluebell area, and a breeding red squirrel population.

We should also mention that the views from our lodges include the Lake District (over the sea, 40 mile to the south) and into the Galloway Hills (20 miles to the north).

And we shouldn’t neglect the fishing, sailing, mountain biking, walking ….(etc.) … all of which you can do just minutes from the door of your own luxury lodge.

So, as you can tell, we have a lot to talk about.

Our blog will be as packed with information about the animals in our forest, as it is the high standards of materials we use to create our Lodges. It will be as much about local events taking place in Kippford, as it is about how to finance buying a luxury lodge.

Quite simply – we’re passionate about our luxury lodges, their surrounding area, and the lifestyle they offer.

And what we’re passionate about, we like to talk about.

This is why we’re created this blog, and why we’d like to invite you to comment, ask questions and express your opinion.

Of course, if you just want to get on with buying a luxury lodge – you can visit our website

For everything else, just stay right here.

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